A Timeline of Jesus’ Life

2,000 years ago a man named Jesus became a prominent figure in Nazareth.
Nowadays, Jesus remains a central figure in Christianity, who is mentioned more than 1,200 times in the New Testament.
The name ‘Jesus’ came from the Hebrew-Aramaic term Yeshua, which means “Yahweh [the Lord] is salvation.” The name Christ, derived from the Greek word “Christos,” is a title for Jesus. “Christos” means “the Anointed One,” or “Messiah” in Hebrew.
It is important to note that Jesus’ life, message, and ministry are written in the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, of the New Testament. In the Bible, he is the incarnate Word of God, Creator and Savior of the World, and the founder of Christianity.
But who is Jesus? And what exactly do we know about him? Let’s take a back at the significant events in his life.

Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem and was raised in Nazareth. He was visited by shepherds and later on three wise men from the east came bearing gifts. They offered Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Jesus and his family lived a simple life. His father, Joseph, was a carpenter, as for Mary, she continued to abide by God’s wishes and continued to be the loving mother of the Messiah.

When Jesus was 12, he stayed behind at a Festival of the Passover in Jerusalem. His parents were unaware of this, but a day later realized that their son was missing. After three days, Mary and Joseph discovered Jesus in the temple courts listening to teachers and asking questions. His parents and everyone else were amazed and impressed with his knowledge and comprehension at such a young age.

When Jesus was about thirty years of age he was baptized. He headed to Jordan to meet John, who then told Jesus, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” But Jesus replied, “Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” It is written in Matthew 3: 13-17 that the heavens were opened to Jesus after his baptism, and the Messiah saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove that came to rest on him. Then the voice of God from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”

Apart from being a carpenter, Jesus was also a teacher. He later on gathered 12 Jewish men to follow him and they became his disciples. Jesus trained and prepared them to continue the ministry and spread the word.
Here are some of his main teachings:
- Always love God.
- Love your neighbor as yourself.
- Learn how to forgive others.
- Love your enemies.
- Ask God for forgiveness of your sins and repent.
- Jesus is the Messiah and was given the authority to forgive others.
- Don’t be hypocritical and never judge other people.
- The Kingdom of God is near. The weak and poor will inherit the kingdom – not the rich and powerful.

During his time, Jesus had performed many miracles. He healed the sick, blind, and the lame. People would be in awe when he turned water into wine and multiplied the loaves of bread and the fish. Even his apostles were dumbfounded when they saw him walk on water and when the wrath of the sea subsided. Others would be even more astonished when Jesus would help those who have been possessed by a demon or when he would raise people from the dead.

Before Jesus’ arrest, he shared his final meal with his apostles during the Passover called The Last Supper. This was one of the most memorable gatherings with his 12 followers as he explained to them that he was the Lamb of God. Jesus instructed two of his disciples to prepare for the occasion, afterwards they all gathered in the upper room to proceed with the meal. During The Last Supper, Jesus shocked everyone when he said that one of them (Judas) was going to betray him. The messiah then blessed the bread and wine and handed it to his disciples saying that it was his body and blood of the covenant.

Shortly after The Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples headed to the Garden of Gethsemane where he was arrested. Judas planted a kiss on Jesus’ cheek which was disguised as affection, but was really a sign of him being a traitor. This led to his trial before the Sanhedrin, and he was then sentenced to death. He was handed to the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, who convicted Jesus of treason and had him crucified.

Before Jesus was crucified, Pontius Pilate had him tortured and whipped. The soldiers placed a purple robe around his body and a crown of thorns on his head and yelled, “Hail, King of the Jews.” Jesus was instructed to carry his cross to the hill outside Jerusalem, and was later on stripped off his clothing and crucified. He gave up his life as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of humanity.

Jesus rose from the dead after three days and appeared to his disciples, and then ascended into heaven. However, Jesus will return to earth as the mighty King and warrior, alongside his army in the Battle of Armageddon. He will come for his bride, the church, and save us after the seven-year tribulation. Our savior will defeat the Antichrist, destroy those who have taken the Mark of the Beast, then judge humanity.
*Cover Photo/Thumbnail Photo from Pixabay

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