Bible Verses About Patience

The art of waiting can be tough. We all want things to unfold quickly and we tend to rush into certain situations especially during dire times. That’s why the Church continues to remind us that we should focus on the teachings of the Bible, which reminds us of Christ‘s generosity that everything will happen in due course.
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So, let’s take a look at some Bible verses which talk about patience.
“Love is patient, love is kind, it isn’t jealous, it doesn’t brag, it isn’t arrogant.”
Patience is applied even when it comes to matters of the heart. True love is always willing to wait and a person should never give in to impulsive emotions.
“The end of something is better than its beginning. Patience is better than arrogance.”
The end result is just as vital as the beginning. However, people should realize that they should learn and enjoy the journey while waiting for things to unfold.
“We who are powerful need to be patient with the weakness of those who don’t have power, and not please ourselves.”
Those who are stronger are obliged to have more patience and bear with the shortcomings of those who are weaker. The Lord has given this as a challenge for those deemed powerful.
“Better to be patient than a warrior, and better to have self-control than to capture a city.”
Anger is unjust. A person who has self-control will always prevail therefore one should seek God to overcome anger.
“Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks.”
We tend to be anxious during the waiting process. Fret not. Leave all your worries to the Lord and be at peace knowing all will pan out in His time – not ours.
“Hotheads stir up conflict, but patient people calm down strife.”
Nothing good can ever come out of being a hothead. It is imperative that one has the ability to take into consideration their words and actions, rather than lashing out without thinking.
*Cover Photos/Thumbnail Photo from Pexels

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