God & The Bible

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What Do the Seven Seals in Revelation Mean? Here’s What the Bible Says

The seven seals are part of the series of catastrophic events that will happen during the end times. These seals are on a prophetic scroll...

4 Important Questions About the Bible’s ‘the Last Generation’, Answered

In the Bible’s end-time prophecies is the question: who does Jesus refer to when he speaks about the “Last Generation”? Photo from boston.edu We all...
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The 7 Seals of Revelation

When we look around, we can't help but think that the end is imminent. This may sound terrifying for a lot of people, however, Christ’s...

The Rapture: Answering 3 Common Questions About the Rapture of the Church

Photo from sites.dartmouth.edu The Rapture is one of the most compelling and complex eschatological events in the Bible. Some call it the “beginning of the...

Millennial Kingdom: What the 1,000 Years of Peace Means in the Bible

Ever thought about what it would be like if Jesus reigned over the world? Non-believers may scoff at the extreme religious reference, so rephrasing it—how...
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The 4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

Have you ever heard of the four horsemen of the apocalypse? Well, the Book of Revelations says that the horsemen will appear when the first...
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Here’s Everything You Need to Know About the Bible!

Did you know that the Holy Bible has been known as the most read book in the world? Photo from pexels.com  In 2012, American novelist...
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Buy These Affordable Bibles

Why own a Bible? There is an immense power available to us when we read it. Now that times are tough and people want answers,...
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4 Things to Know About the ‘Mark of the Beast’ According to the Bible

The “mark of the beast” is one of the many bible topics that give rise to varying interpretations. Many people speculate what it looks like,...